Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

To Orphanage To Share

MIFRES and Orphan

MIFRES FPIK grateful thanks to God for chance being  useful for the other, and also related part of this event. English socialization is one of way to Share English,  Why english? Cause english can make us access knowledge in this world easily. Recently, public media such as internet, television, and pers give us unlimited knowledge about our favorite subjects, even we live in information years. But most problem is language. English is popular language so most informations are served in english. There are knowledge which can be used if you can speak english. Websites in internet. More 1 billion information pages in internet and it’s so marvelous cause you just learn a language but nearly access every knowledge in internet. Books in anything subjects from whole world and any author translate in english most, so you can read anything books that you would like. Available magazines and newspapers in aroud the world is english most. English is key of world science. In 1997, 95 % science article wrote in english. English is communication language. About 1.500.000.000 people in this world speak in english and people learn it. 75% letters and postcards write in english. Most international conferences and international competitions are organized in english for example olympiad. Imagine it, if you can speak english well you can communicate people  and make friends around the world.
Learning fun
            Introducing english to children is so important. In past, english subjects are in junior school but now, most elementary even kindergerteen familiarize english before. After puberty, will be a lot of problem in english so can’t get maximum result, exspecially pronunciation or spelling. So, we held english socialization to children but not held in public school. We choose learn english together with orphan in ‘Panti Asuhan Ar Ridho’ by theme ‘Learning as Fun’. Its address is in Tembalang, Semarang. There’s a lot of children who still not knowing english well. And they just get english in their school but not specific. They never get english course and maybe they prefer save their money for another instead for getting course, so MIFRES FPIK gave free english course.

            In fact, most of them still have no plentiful vocabulary. We have ‘Hang Man’ for games. How to play it is filling  blank strips in white boards. Every fault letter more and more will make a hang man picture in board. But finally they can guess the words and appropriate get doorprize. We play another english games until 2 p.m. and then we take picture together and finally say goodbye to them. It’s really spectacular experience that we’ve ever got. Not only share knowledge but also they share happines to us. Their funny, innocent, and adorable attitude will be unforgetable memorize. Hope will be English Socialization Season 2 after it .