Jumat, 29 Agustus 2014


I dont know what's going on to happen in the future?
but, wht im feeling in 100% not a lie, i cant say it wth the confidence.
It doesnt matter how slowly you say it.
I'll still listen. I'm not a dolphin, you are too.
If you want to walk, no matter how slow it'll be, i'll walk with you.
I might not be that reliable, maybe I'll be able to help.
Things cant be the  same as they were before, but there's this kind of feeling that's linking us together, I with regards to you. I LIKE YOU, maybe. I LIKE YOU
, probably..

Senin, 28 April 2014

Dreamed of You

I dreamed of you tonight
My bed felt warmer when you came into my dream
i held your arm, tight, tight, tight
i was scared, you would leave me
so i held you along way
you smiled, smiled on me, so comfortable.
you got serious disease, but i dont care.
i still held your arm, and you still smiled on me

Selasa, 01 April 2014

The Better One is Not Me

                I don’t know how you are and i have no reason to know more about you. I got same school with you since i was in junior school. Now you got too, have nearest boarding house of me. I don’t think I will be falling into you because you’re younger than me ‘till i felt comfort in our first messages. I messaged you because your brother was mine at that time. I would like to know more about your brother through asked you this and that. And at time, i wonder about you because you and your brother have many differences. You are so funy and kind, enjoyable in anytime. I admited i fall into you at this moment. I share many things to you till i hurted myself because i might let your brother left me for another girl. It surfered me. I felt so alone. I asked you to go around, i hope it would heal my deepest hole. 

                And at the next day, day by day, anything uncloser to us. I admire you, adore you. I admire all about you. I think you are complete package in extraordinary package. Oh i let you think it’s too much. But that’s what i get on you. Till by day, i go with you, not only by a couple but also with our other friend. I feel my love came into deep deep deepest hole on you. I love the way you care on me. The way you stop all vehicles when we across in a crowded road, the way you talk over, the way you zipper my coat, the way you enlight my bag,  I love all way you look so sweet till  the way you mad to me. I cant help saying i love you till make me hurt. It hurts cause i cant declare it, never, i’ll never do it. Things i must do are i have to make a distance on you, decrease my feeling, you are not into me. You will be deserve getting better one. And i realize the better one is not me. But, I hope you and me have been written.

Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013

Lagu Indah

Kisah ini aku tonton di sebuah acara salah satu stasiun televisi. Diceritakan seorang perempuan muda berusia duapuluh tahunan yang berprofesi sebagai musisi. Sebut saja namanya Siska. Musik baginya adalah piranti yang digunakannya untuk meluapkan perasaan yang tak bisa dikeluarkan lewat kata-kata. Dia sudah menyukai musik sejak dia kecil. Biola yang disandarkan pada bahunya, digesek dengan lembut mengalunkan melodi yang indah. Terbersit perasaannya yang sedang bahagia atau sedih lewat setiap gesekannya. “Tapi bagi pengamen jalanan, musik adalah piranti untuk mencari sesuap nasi,” ucapnya.

Suatu hari, Siska dan temannya menyusuri  jembatan layang. Tak sengaja dia bertubrukan dengan seorang pengamen yang buta. Gitar yang dibawanya terjatuh, Siska buru-buru memungutnya dan minta maaf pada pengamen itu. Pengamen mengangguk seraya tersenyum. Keesokan harinya, Siska melewati jembatan yang sama. Si pengamen sedang menyanyi dengan diiringi gitar kecilnya. Siska mendekatinya. Dia tertegun melihat karton yang tertempel di dekat pengamen. Karton itu bertuliskan ‘SAYA BUTA. KASIHANI SAYA.’ Baginya musik bukan sebagai piranti untuk menarik belas kasihan orang. Musik itu indah, indah dan tak pantas terbayarkan karena belas kasihan pada pemainnya, seharusnya musik terlihat bernilai dalam bentuk material karena keindahannya. Siska membalik kertas karton putih itu lantas menuliskan ‘LAGU INI INDAH MESKIPUN SAYA TAK BISA MELIHATNYA’.  Setelahnya, dia ikut mengiringi pengamen dengan gesekan biolanya. Seketika itu menarik perhatian pejalan kaki yang melewatinya.

Jumat, 19 April 2013

I Can Survive Better as Long as I Have You

            I’ve been aware now that I need no a guy to accompany or care to me as long as I have Dad like my Dad. He’s like my angel in a crowded place, keep me away from bad guy, and make me comfortable everywhere I am. When I was childhood, I’ve never known how big his love to me. I still remember the way he got me up in the morning then helped me to wear uniform. Then he would accompany me to get school. I’ve never been aware it, and it’s being my regret. After I was home, I would do my homework because I was scared if he would be mad when I did not instead scared if I could not make him proud. He would correct my homework in the evening, and often got angry  when I couldn’t do what he explained. Then, I’d cry and said never do my homework more. Closed the door quickly. So childist girl. Then my Dad tried to talk to me softly. But I still be mad. Oh, what I have done to my Dad.
            My Dad will give me everything what I want eventhough he must work hard to make my wish come true. But What I’ve done to him. Talking about how care he is, reminds me when I was in other country and I did not active my phone so he could not talk to me by phone. I was prefer to type on email instead bought new card to call him. Then I mailed him everyday but one day I had no signal. He was getting panic, I knew it after I opened my email next day. He mailed me, “What happened there? Why don’t you reply me? Any wrong?” And My Dad not mailed me once but many, I dont know how many times, I forget. Then I said I would arrive to Jakarta at midnight. He got panic more. He called his relatives who could give me a ride. Then he got it. My uncle could do it. My Dad called my uncle more and more to make sure I was okay. Oh Dad, you need to refresh your mind. I’m okay if I have you. I wanna say it gently.

Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Beasiswa DataPrint

Program beasiswa DataPrint telah memasuki tahun ketiga. Setelah sukses mengadakan program beasiswa di tahun 2011 dan 2012, maka DataPrint kembali membuat program beasiswa bagi penggunanya yang berstatus pelajar dan mahasiswa.  Hingga saat ini lebih dari 1000 beasiswa telah diberikan bagi penggunanya.
Di tahun 2013 sebanyak 500 beasiswa akan diberikan bagi pendaftar yang terseleksi. Program beasiswa dibagi dalam dua periode. Tidak ada sistem kuota berdasarkan daerah dan atau sekolah/perguruan tinggi. Hal ini bertujuan agar beasiswa dapat diterima secara merata bagi seluruh pengguna DataPrint.  Beasiswa terbagi dalam tiga nominal yaitu Rp 250 ribu, Rp 500 ribu dan Rp 1 juta. Dana beasiswa akan diberikan satu kali bagi peserta yang lolos penilaian. Aspek penilaian berdasarkan dari essay, prestasi dan keaktifan peserta.
Beasiswa yang dibagikan diharapkan dapat meringankan biaya pendidikan sekaligus mendorong penerima beasiswa untuk lebih berprestasi.
Pendaftaran periode 1 : 1 Februari – 30 Juni 2013
Pengumuman                : 10 Juli 2013

Pendaftaran periode 2   : 1 Juli – 31 Desember 2013
Pengumuman                : 13 Januari 2014

further information,,,click this site http://beasiswadataprint.com/

Rumus Tiada Guna Tanpa Action

Cuplikan resume viseo tugas kewirausahaan. Cuplikan ini dijamin dapat membakar semangat.

Inovasi Bisnis Pada Industri Kuliner
Oleh : Hendi Setiono (Presiden Direktur PT.Baba Rafi Indonesia)

       Bapak Hendi mengawali usahanya sejak menjadi seorang mahasiswa semester 4 teknik informatika, ITS dengan berjualan kebab turki dengan 1 outlet gerobak dorong. Beliau tidak memiliki darah pengusaha, ayahnya yang bekerja di Qatar memberikannya inspirasi untuk mulai menjual kebab. Modal usaha awalnya empat juta rupiah dengan satu karyawan tapi sekarang sudah ada 500 outlet dengan karyawan lebih dari 800 orang.
       Keinginan kuatnya untuk dapat mandiri menjadikannya tidak peduli dengan cemooh teman-teman dan keluarganya. Perintisan usaha kebab hingga sampai akan membuka outlet di luar negeri ini tentunya tidak mulus. Tantangan yang ada di hadapinya dengan menerapkan kejujuran terhadap customer, karyawan, maupun orang-orang sekitar.
       Bapak Hendi memiliki visi untuk dapat mencetak jiwa entrepreneur dengan konsep pendirian 1000 outlet berbasis kemitraan di seluruh Indonesia dan beberapa negara di ASEAN. “Banyak rumus jadi pengusaha, tapi tidak akan ada artinya apabila tida ada action,” ucapnya sebagai pesan penutup.